
Pinnacle Climb Log

Quickly and easily log your climbing workouts. Available on Apple Watch and iPhone.

Download Now $3.99 USD

Only one tap to log a climb.

Instead of filling out forms to enter in your last route, simply tap on the level to log a completed route, or hold your finger down to log an attempt.

No internet connection required.

Have an Apple Watch? Leave the phone in the locker room and the app will sync your workout when it re-connects with your phone.

Apple and Strava Integrations

Pinnacle also stores your workouts in the Activity app. By connecting Strava, you can share your workouts outside of Pinnacle as well.

Automatic back up

By purchasing Pinnacle all of your climb data will be automatically backed up and synced to your account. You can export this data at any time.

Measure your progress.

Compare the difficulty of routes climbed, total time, and energy burned month over month.

Start logging your climbs today.

Apple Watch iPhone
Log completions and attempts
Add notes
Track location of workouts
Switch between disciplines mid-workout
Save workouts to HealthKit
Stats screen
Heart rate monitoring
Energy burned (Calories)
Download Pinnacle $3.99 USD